His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the most dedicated disciple to Shri Guru Dev Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotirpeeth, Badrikashram Himalaya, is widely regarded as the foremost Scientist in the field of consciousness and is considered the greatest teacher in the world today.
Maharishi Ji has completely revived and restored Ved and Vedic Literature, the most ancient traditional Art and Science of life, which is capable of guiding every individual to the path of Enlightenment and establish perpetual peace, prosperity, happiness for society and to create Heaven on Earth.
Over 6 million people in all parts of the world and from all walks of life have learned Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and more than 300,000 people have learnt Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme and Yogic Flying.
Maharishi Ji has founded thousands of organisations and institutions in 110 countries to bring the light of Vedic wisdom throughout the world. These organisations and institutions include: Maharishi Vedic, Ayurvedic, Management Universities, Colleges, Vedic Vidyapeeth, Schools, Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health Care centres and Transcendental Meditation centres. Maharishi educational institutions offer courses based on Vedic knowledge of life Maharishi Vedic Science—knowledge of the Atma— Consciousness.
Maharishi Ji has also established the Global Country of World Peace—Vedic Vishwa Shanti Rashtra, a country without borders to bring the nourishing support of Natural Law to every government and every individual on earth. The establishment of the Global Country of World Peace will lead the administrative quality of every government and every individual in perfect, mistake-free and problem-free administration. Maharishi Ji is now establishing 3000 capitals of Global Country—Peace Palaces in major cities of 108 countries.